Roman Numerals Converter
Convert numbers to Roman numerals and vice versa with ease. Understand the rules and history behind Roman numerals.
Roman Numerals Converter
Symbol | Value |
I | 1 |
V | 5 |
X | 10 |
L | 50 |
C | 100 |
D | 500 |
M | 1000 |
Combination | Value |
IV | 4 |
IX | 9 |
XL | 40 |
XC | 90 |
CD | 400 |
CM | 900 |
• Symbols are written left to right, largest to smallest
• A symbol can be repeated up to three times (III = 3, XXX = 30)
• Only one subtraction can be made per numeral (IV = 4, not IIII)
• Only powers of ten (I, X, C) can be used for subtraction
Common Numbers
Famous Years
Special Numbers
Easily Convert Roman Numerals and Numbers
Accurately convert numbers to Roman numerals and Roman numerals to numbers with an intuitive and educational tool.
Accurate Conversions
Convert numbers to Roman numerals and vice versa with 100% accuracy, following proper numeral rules.
Two-Way Conversion
Easily switch between converting numbers to Roman numerals and Roman numerals to numbers.
Copy Results Instantly
Quickly copy the converted Roman numeral or number to your clipboard with one click.
Roman Numeral Rules
Understand the logic behind Roman numerals with built-in guidelines and formatting rules.
Historical References
Explore famous historical years in Roman numerals, such as 1776 (MDCCLXXVI) and 2000 (MM).
How to Use the Roman Numerals Converter
Enter a number (1-3999) or a valid Roman numeral.
Choose conversion mode: Number to Roman or Roman to Number.
View the result instantly with a step-by-step breakdown.
Learn Roman numeral rules and formatting guidelines.
Check common conversions and famous historical years.
Frequently Asked Questions
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