Color Contrast Checker
Check if your color combinations meet WCAG accessibility standards. Ensure your web content is readable for all users.
Color Contrast Checker
Check color combinations for WCAG accessibility compliance
Large Text (18pt / 24px)
This is an example of normal text at 16px size. The WCAG 2.1 guidelines have different contrast requirements based on text size. This paragraph helps you see how your color combination looks in a real-world context with different text sizes.
This is small text at 14px size, which needs higher contrast to be accessible to users with visual impairments. Make sure your color combinations meet at least WCAG AA standards for text of this size.
Common Color Pairs
WCAG Guidelines
WCAG Level AA Requirements
- Normal text (under 18pt): 4.5:1 minimum
- Large text (18pt or 14pt bold): 3:1 minimum
- UI components and graphical objects: 3:1 minimum
WCAG Level AAA Requirements
- Normal text (under 18pt): 7:1 minimum
- Large text (18pt or 14pt bold): 4.5:1 minimum
What these ratings mean
- 7:1 or higher - Excellent contrast (AAA for all text)
- 4.5:1 - 7:1 - Good contrast (AA for all text, AAA for large text)
- 3:1 - 4.5:1 - Moderate contrast (AA for large text only)
- Below 3:1 - Poor contrast (Fails all WCAG requirements)
Accessibility Tips
Beyond Contrast
Color contrast is just one aspect of accessibility. Also consider users with color blindness by not relying solely on color to convey information.
Font Selection
Sans-serif fonts are generally more readable on screens. Consider font weight and spacing to further improve readability.
Test with Real Users
While tools help meet technical standards, testing with real users, including those with visual impairments, provides the best insights.
Comprehensive Color Testing
Test your color combinations against WCAG accessibility standards with our easy-to-use tool.
Real-time Preview
See your color combinations instantly with both large and small text examples.
Accurate Measurements
Get precise contrast ratios calculated according to WCAG standards.
WCAG Compliance
Check compliance with WCAG 2.1 Level AA and AAA requirements.
Accessibility Guidelines
Learn about accessibility standards and make informed design decisions.
How to Use the Color Contrast Checker
Choose your foreground and background colors using the color pickers.
View the contrast ratio and WCAG compliance results in real-time.
Check if your colors meet accessibility standards for different text sizes.
Review the guidelines to understand accessibility requirements.