Free Online Tools for Developers & Creators

Browse our collection of free tools, including code converters, readability checkers, password generators, lorem ipsum generators, and more. Everything you need to streamline your workflow.

Color Converter

Convert colors between HEX, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA, and CMYK.

Color Tools

Tailwind CSS Color Generator

Generate Tailwind CSS colors with a live preview.

Tailwind Tools

Meta Tag Analyzer

Analyze and optimize the meta tags of your webpage.

SEO Tools

Bootstrap CSS to Tailwind CSS

Convert Bootstrap code to Tailwind effortlessly.

Tailwind Tools

HTML to Liquid

Convert HTML into Shopify Liquid templates.

Code Conversion

HTML/CSS Beautifier

Beautify your HTML and CSS files instantly.

Code Formatting

Image to SVG Converter

Convert PNG and JPEG images to SVG instantly.

Image Tools

JSON/XML Converter

Convert JSON to XML and vice versa.

Data Conversion

Favicon Generator

Generate favicons for your website.

Image Tools

Readability Checker

Analyze the readability of text or webpages.

Content Tools

Lorem Ipsum Generator

Generate placeholder text for your projects.

Content Tools

Password Generator

Generate strong passwords and check their strength.

Security Tools

Base Encoder & Decoder

Encode and decode text with support for Base64, Base32, and Base58 formats

Data Conversion

MD5 Generator

Generate MD5 hashes from text.

Security Tools

.htaccess Generator

Generate .htaccess configurations easily.

Web Development

Nginx Configuration Generator

Generate Nginx configurations easily.

Web Development

Markdown Editor

Edit Markdown with live preview and export options.

Content Tools

HTML to Markdown Converter

Convert HTML to Markdown and vice versa.

Code Conversion

XML Validator

Validate and format your XML files easily.

Code Formatting

SVG Optimizer

Optimize and format your SVG files.

Image Tools

SVG Converter

Convert SVG images to PNG, JPEG, WEBP, PDF, and Base64.

Image Tools

Image to WebP Converter

Convert PNG and JPEG images to WebP with adjustable quality and live preview.

Image Tools

Meta Data Viewer

View detailed metadata of your images including EXIF data.

Image Tools

Tailwind CSS Gradient Generator

Generate gradients with Tailwind CSS and download as SVG.

Tailwind Tools

Website Responsive Checker

Check how your website responds on 50+ devices including phones, tablets, and desktops.

Web Development

Color Palette Extractor

Extract color palettes from any image.

Color Tools

Color Palette Generator

Generate stunning color palettes for your design projects.

Color Tools

Gradient Generator

Create beautiful gradients with customizable colors, angles, and styles.

Color Tools

Schema Generator

Generate structured data schemas for SEO.

SEO Tools

HTML to JSX Converter

Convert HTML to React JSX code effortlessly.

Code Conversion

CSS to Tailwind Converter

Convert standard CSS to Tailwind CSS classes.

Tailwind Tools

QR Code Generator

Generate custom QR codes for any use and download them.

Utility Tools

Random Number Generator

Generate random numbers within a customizable range with real-time updates.

Utility Tools

Unused CSS Cleaner Tool

Automatically clean and optimize unused CSS from your website for better performance.

CSS Tools

CSS Button Generator

Easily create and customize stylish CSS buttons for your website with real-time previews.

CSS Tools

CSS Shadow Generator

Create beautiful box shadows for your website elements with live preview and multiple presets.

CSS Tools

Canonical Checker

Check if your URL is canonical or not.

SEO Tools

Broken Link Checker

Check for broken links in your website.

SEO Tools

Tailwind CSS Grid Generator

Generate responsive grid layouts effortlessly using Tailwind CSS.

Tailwind Tools

Wordpress Plugin Generator

Quickly generate WordPress plugins using a simple template.

WordPress Tools

Joomla Plugin Generator

Quickly generate Joomla plugins using a simple template.

Joomla Tools

Joomla Module Generator

Easily develop Joomla modules.

Joomla Tools

Image Resizer

Resize images with customizable dimensions and quality settings.

Image Tools

Joomla 5 Template Generator

Create custom Joomla 5 templates effortlessly.

Joomla Tools

Text Analyzer

Analyze text for readability, word frequency, and writing insights.

Writing Tools

Unit Converter

Easily convert between units like length, mass, temperature, and more.

Utility Tools

Image to Base64 Converter

Convert images to Base64 effortlessly for embedding in HTML, CSS, or other projects.

Utility Tools

JSON Formatter

Format, validate, and minify JSON with ease. Perfect for developers working with APIs and structured data.

Utility Tools

CSS Animation Generator

Create stunning CSS animations with customizable settings for duration, timing, and iteration.

Design Tools

Meta Tags Generator

Generate SEO-friendly meta tags for better search engine visibility and social media sharing.

SEO Tools

Git Command Generator

Generate commonly used Git commands to streamline your version control workflow.

Development Tools

Privacy Policy Generator

Easily create a customized privacy policy tailored to your website or business needs.

Legal Tools

Terms and Conditions Generator

Generate comprehensive terms and conditions to establish rules and guidelines for your website or business.

Legal Tools

SSL Certificate Checker

Verify SSL certificates to ensure website security. Check validity, expiration, encryption strength, and more.

Security Tools

SVG to JSX Converter

Convert SVG code to JSX for React effortlessly. Simplify your development workflow with this free tool.

Development Tools

Regex Pattern Generator

Generate and test regular expressions for validation, matching, and text processing effortlessly.

Development Tools

HTTP Header Analyzer

Analyze HTTP headers for security and performance. Get detailed insights and actionable recommendations.

Security Tools

Robots.txt Generator

Create and customize robots.txt files to control search engine crawling. Optimize SEO and protect sensitive data.

SEO Tools

Bcrypt Hash Generator

Generate secure bcrypt password hashes effortlessly. Customize cost factors and verify hashes with ease.

Security Tools

UUID Generator

Generate and validate UUIDs effortlessly. Choose between v1 (timestamp-based) and v4 (random) UUIDs with ease.

Development Tools

DNS Propagation Checker

Analyze global DNS propagation for your domain. Check A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, TXT, NS, and SOA records in real time.

Network Tools

Web Accessibility Checker

Scan for accessibility issues and ensure WCAG compliance with actionable insights.

Accessibility Tools

Typography Scale Calculator

Generate balanced font sizes with customizable ratios and units for harmonious typography.

Design Tools

URL Converter

Encode and decode URLs with support for special characters and Unicode.

Data Conversion

Regex Tester

Test regular expressions against input strings. Highlight matches, debug patterns, and analyze regex performance.

Development Tools

String Case Converter

Convert text between different cases: uppercase, lowercase, camel case, and more.

Text Tools

Text Reverser

Reverse text by characters, words, or lines. Perfect for creative writing and quick text manipulation.

Text Tools

Timezone Converter

Easily convert times between different time zones. Includes support for daylight saving time and multiple time zone comparisons.

Utility Tools

Fullscreen Color Viewer

Display fullscreen colors for screen testing and calibration. Choose from default colors or a custom color picker.

Utility Tools

Rot Encoder

Encode and decode text using Rot13 or other ROT-n ciphers. Test and explore text transformations.

Text Tools

HTML Tag Remover

Remove all HTML tags from a block of text to extract plain content. Supports custom cleaning options.

Development Tools

Browser Feature Detector

Detect supported features of a user's browser for compatibility checks.

Utility Tools

Circular Progress Bar Generator

Generate customizable circular progress bars with adjustable styles and animations.

Design Tools

CSS Loader Generator

Create stylish and customizable CSS loaders for your web projects.

CSS Tools

DPI Checker

Check the DPI of your display and calculate screen resolution metrics.

Utility Tools

Image Pixelator

Pixelate images with adjustable intensity for a retro or obfuscation effect.

Image Tools

PX to REM Converter

Convert pixels to REM units for responsive web design.

CSS Tools

Random Sentence Generator

Generate random sentences for creative writing, testing, or placeholder text.

Writing Tools

Color Harmonizer

Generate harmonious color palettes based on color theory rules.

Color Tools

Contrast Checker

Check contrast ratios between text and background colors for accessibility compliance.

Accessibility Tools

Credit Card Validator

Validate credit card numbers using the Luhn algorithm.

Security Tools

JSON Escape Tool

Escape and unescape JSON strings for safe storage and transmission.

Utility Tools

Currency Symbol Finder

Find currency symbols and their corresponding codes for various countries.

Utility Tools

Alien Language Generator

Generate fictional alien languages for creative writing, games, and fun.

Writing Tools

Custom Cursor Generator

Create custom CSS cursors with different styles, animations, and effects.

Design Tools

Scroll to Top Generator

Generate a simple and customizable 'Scroll to Top' button for your website.

Web Development

CHMOD Calculator

Easily calculate file permissions in CHMOD numeric and symbolic format.

Development Tools

Coupon Code Generator

Generate unique and customizable coupon codes for discounts and promotions.

Utility Tools

Slug Generator

Convert text into SEO-friendly slugs for URLs and permalinks.

SEO Tools

Fancy Text Generator

Generate stylish and fancy text with cool fonts and symbols.

Text Tools

Hacker Terminal

A fun simulated hacker terminal with coding effects and animations.

Fun Tools

PDF Merge

Merge multiple PDF files into a single document effortlessly.

Document Tools

Linux Cheatsheet

Quick reference guide for essential Linux commands and shortcuts.


CSRF Token Generator

Generate secure CSRF tokens to prevent cross-site request forgery attacks.

Security Tools

HMAC Generator

Generate HMAC hashes using various algorithms like SHA-256, SHA-512, and more.

Security Tools

HSTS Checker

Check if a website is enforcing HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS).

Security Tools

IP Location Finder

Find the geographical location of an IP address with city, country, and ISP details.

Network Tools

JWT Decoder

Decode and verify JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to inspect their claims and signatures.

Security Tools

SQL Injection Tester

Test SQL injection vulnerabilities by analyzing user input fields.

Security Tools

XSS Payload Tester

Test and analyze cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in web applications.

Security Tools

Subdomain Finder

Discover subdomains of a given domain for security analysis and reconnaissance.

Network Tools

CSP Generator

Generate Content Security Policy (CSP) headers to enhance web security.

Security Tools

HTTP Compression Analyzer

Analyze and check the compression (Gzip, Brotli, etc.) used by a website.

Network Tools

Web Manifest Generator

Generate a PWA-compliant web manifest file with icons and metadata.

Web Development

Clickjacking Tester

Test websites for Clickjacking vulnerabilities by analyzing X-Frame-Options and CSP headers.

Security Tools

SSH Key Generator

Generate secure SSH key pairs (RSA, ED25519, ECDSA) for authentication.

Security Tools

SQL Query Optimizer

Analyze and optimize your SQL queries for better performance. Get recommendations for indexes, joins, and query structure improvements.

Database Tools

Cron Tester

Test and validate your cron expressions. Get next execution times, examples, and common patterns for job scheduling.

Development Tools

Morse Code Converter

Convert text to Morse code and vice versa. Supports real-time encoding and decoding.

Text Tools

JSON to TypeScript Converter

Convert JSON objects into TypeScript interfaces automatically.

Development Tools

HTML Encoder & Decoder

Encode and decode HTML entities to ensure proper display and security.

Web Development

HTML Table Generator

Generate HTML tables from JSON, CSV, or plain text data with customization options.

Web Development

Punycode Converter

Convert domain names between Unicode and Punycode for internationalized domains.

Network Tools

Random Username Generator

Generate unique and random usernames for gaming, social media, and other online accounts.

Utility Tools

BBCode to HTML Converter

Convert BBCode formatting into HTML and vice versa for seamless text transformations.

Web Development

Checksum Calculator

Instantly generate CRC16, CRC32, and Adler32 hash values from text or files. Perfect for integrity checks and data validation.

Security Tools

Hash Calculator

Instantly generate NTLM and RIPEMD-160 hashes from text or files. Perfect for security and verification.

Security Tools

HTML to Jade Converter

Convert HTML code into Pug (formerly Jade) templates effortlessly.

Development Tools

IP Address Converter

Convert IP addresses between decimal, hexadecimal, and binary formats.

Network Tools

String Splitter & Joiner

Split text into chunks or join strings with customizable delimiters.

Text Tools

XML Text Converter

Convert XML to plain text and vice versa with formatting options.

Data Conversion

Barcode Generator

Generate barcodes and QR codes with advanced customization.

Utility Tools

Font Face Generator

Create @font-face rules and convert fonts for web usage.

Design Tools

Gibberish Generator

Generate and customize gibberish words for writing and creativity.

Fun Tools

IDN Converter

Convert domain names between Unicode and Punycode formats.

Network Tools

Letter Frequency Counter

Analyze letter frequency in text with charts and export options.

Text Tools

Number Generator

Generate prime numbers, Fibonacci sequences, and Pi digits.

Math Tools

See My IP

Check your public IP address and network information.

Network Tools

HTTP/3 Tester

Check if a website supports HTTP/3 protocol.

Network Tools

Binary Zero Counter

Convert numbers to binary and count zero occurrences.

Math Tools

Color Image Generator

Generate solid color images in multiple formats and sizes.

Design Tools

Font Preload Tester

Analyze how preloading affects font loading speed and performance.

Web Development

JSON Transform

Format, minify, validate, and convert JSON to multiple formats.

Development Tools

MongoDB Query Builder

Visually create MongoDB queries for shell or Node.js applications.

Database Tools

Resource Hints Tester

Analyze preload, prefetch, and preconnect hints for website performance.

Web Development

Roman Numerals Converter

Convert numbers to and from Roman numerals accurately.

Math Tools

Same-Origin Policy Tester

Simulate cross-origin requests and test Same-Origin Policy restrictions.

Security Tools

Scientific Notation Converter

Convert numbers to and from scientific notation easily.

Math Tools

Text Box Generator

Generate styled text boxes for ASCII art or HTML layouts.

Text Tools

XML Transform

Format, minify, validate, and convert XML to multiple formats.

Data Conversion

UTF Converter

Encode, decode, and convert UTF-8 & UTF-16 text easily.

Text Tools

Time Converter

Convert UNIX timestamps to UTC and vice versa with precision.

Utility Tools

XOR Crypto

Encrypt and decrypt text, binary, and hex using XOR cipher.

Security Tools

Binary Operations

Perform bitwise and arithmetic operations on binary numbers easily.

Math Tools

Decimal Converter

Convert decimal numbers to binary, hexadecimal, octal, and BCD formats.

Math Tools

CSV Operations

Perform CSV operations like appending, deleting, transposing, and converting formats.

Data Conversion

TSV Editor

Edit, transform, and convert TSV files with column operations.

Data Conversion

Hex Converter

Convert hexadecimal values to number systems and color models easily.

Math Tools

YAML Converter

Convert YAML to JSON, XML, CSV, and other formats easily.

Data Conversion

Checkboard Generator

Create and download checkboard patterns with customizable colors and sizes.

Design Tools

JS to JSON Converter

Convert JavaScript objects to JSON format quickly and easily.

Development Tools

Line Manipulation Tool

Add prefixes, suffixes, and numbering to text lines easily.

Text Tools

Number to Words Converter

Convert numbers to words, supporting International and Indian systems.

Math Tools


Encode or decode text and binary to Ascii85 (Base85) format.

Data Conversion


Convert octal numbers to BCD, binary, decimal, hex, IP, and text.

Math Tools


Generate random numbers, strings, JSON, UUIDs, passwords, and more.

Utility Tools


Add or remove backslashes from strings, JSON, and code easily.

Development Tools


Alphabetically sort text, words, or lines with customizable options.

Text Tools


Sort, split, and wrap text easily. Perfect for writers and developers.

Text Tools

AES Cipher

Encrypt and decrypt text using AES-256 with secure key management.

Security Tools


Generate strong passwords for databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MongoDB.

Security Tools


Convert JSON data to SQL INSERT statements with customizable options.

Database Tools


Securely encrypt and decrypt text using Rabbit cipher with options.

Security Tools


Instantly count vowels and consonants in text with analysis.

Text Tools


Generate a custom utility-first CSS framework with themes and dark mode.

CSS Tools


Add padding to strings with spaces, zeroes, or custom characters.

Text Tools


Convert text to and from leetspeak (1337) with customization.

Text Tools


Extract emails, phone numbers, URLs, and custom patterns from text.

Text Tools

Line Sorter

Sort lines of text alphabetically, numerically, or by length.

Text Tools


Add or remove line numbers from text with custom options.

Text Tools

Unicode Converter

Convert text to Unicode code points and back with ease.

Text Tools

Beautify Slug

Convert slugs to readable titles with batch conversion and export.

Text Tools

Accent Remover

Remove diacritics and accents from text with batch processing.

Text Tools


Convert text to code arrays for multiple programming languages.

Development Tools

Text Pyramid Generator

Create pyramid-shaped text blocks with customization and export options.

Text Tools

Rainbow Text Generator

Create rainbow-colored text with customizable options for web and markdown.

Text Tools

Zero-Width Text Injector

Insert and extract hidden messages using zero-width characters.

Text Tools

Palindrome Sequence Finder

Find all palindrome sequences in text with customizable options.

Text Tools

Email Header Analyzer

Analyze email headers for spoofing, phishing, and authentication issues.

Security Tools

HTML Boilerplate Generator

Create HTML5 boilerplate code with tags, CSS, JS, and SEO.

Web Development

Pattern Generator

Create and customize image patterns like dots, grids, and waves.

Design Tools


Convert HEIC images to JPEG, PNG, WebP, and more easily.

Image Tools

Power-to-Weight Converter

Convert and analyze power-to-weight ratios with multiple units support.

Math Tools


Convert TIFF files to JPG, PNG, WebP, and GIF easily.

Image Tools

Roman Numerals Date Converter

Convert dates to and from Roman numerals with accurate results.

Date Tools

Age Calculator

Calculate exact age in years, months, days, hours, and minutes.

Date Tools

Words to Number Converter

Convert written numbers into numeric format accurately and quickly.

Math Tools

Text Bigrams Generator

Generate bigrams from text for linguistic and NLP analysis.

Text Tools

Superscript & Subscript Generator

Convert text to superscript or subscript for formatting needs.

Text Tools


Modify text formatting by adding or removing quotes effortlessly.

Text Tools

Extract Text from HTML

Extract plain text from HTML while removing tags and formatting.

Development Tools

Extract Text from JSON

Extract readable text from JSON by removing structure and formatting.

Development Tools

Extract Text from XML

Extract and clean text from XML while preserving content structure.

Development Tools

GraphQL Query Generator

Generate GraphQL queries dynamically with custom fields and arguments.

Development Tools

Security Scanner

Scan websites for malware, phishing, and security threats in real-time.

Security Tools

Letters to Numbers Converter

Convert letters to numbers with custom delimiters and sum calculations.

Text Tools

Braille Translator

Convert English text to Braille and vice versa with customization.

Accessibility Tools

Font Extractor

Extract fonts from websites, copy CSS, and download in multiple formats.

Web Development

Stopwatch Timer

Use a stopwatch with lap recording or a countdown timer.

Utility Tools

Font Converter

Convert fonts between WOFF, WOFF2, TTF, and OTF formats easily.

Design Tools

PayPal Fee Calculator

Calculate PayPal fees for domestic and international transactions easily.

Finance Tools

Invoice Generator

Generate professional invoices with customization, tax calculations, and PDF export.

Finance Tools


Protect your images with custom watermarks using text or logos.

Image Tools

Rent Receipt Generator

Generate rent receipts with tax ID support, multiple currencies, and PDF export.

Finance Tools

BMI Calculator

Calculate BMI with accurate formulas, insights, and health recommendations.

Health Tools

Calorie Calculator

Estimate daily calorie needs based on activity level and goals.

Health Tools

Email Signature Generator

Create professional email signatures with customizable templates and branding.

Business Tools

Contact Management

Privately manage, convert, and organize your contacts with no data storage.

Utility Tools

Prescription Generator

Create professional medical prescriptions with patient details and medication information.

Medical Tools