Joomla Security in 2024: Key Statistics and How to Protect Your Website

If you’re running a website on Joomla, security should be at the top most priority. While Joomla is a powerful and flexible content management system (CMS), it’s also a target for hackers.

The good news? With the right knowledge and strategies, you can protect your Joomla site from most threats.

But first, let’s dive into the stats—because numbers don’t lie.

Joomla’s Market Share: The Bigger the Target, the Bigger the Risk

Joomla powers around 2.4% of all websites using a CMS as of 2024. That’s impressive, but it also means that Joomla sites are on the radar of cybercriminals.

The more popular a CMS is, the more attractive it becomes to hackers. While Joomla’s market share is much smaller than WordPress (which commands over 62%), it’s still significant enough to draw unwanted attention.

How Often Do Joomla Sites Get Hacked?

Let’s talk numbers. According to Sucuri’s 2023 Hacked Website & Malware Threat Report, Joomla accounted for 1.7% of all detected infections in 2023. While this is lower compared to WordPress, it still highlights the importance of maintaining security vigilance.

39.1% of CMS applications, including Joomla, were outdated at the time of infection. This statistic underscores the importance of keeping your Joomla site updated to prevent security breaches.

49.21% of compromised websites had at least one backdoor, a common method used by hackers to retain access even after the initial compromise. This makes regular security audits and monitoring crucial.

Common Vulnerabilities in Joomla: Where Are the Weak Spots?

Cybercriminals love easy targets, and outdated Joomla installations are a goldmine for them. But what kind of vulnerabilities are we talking about? Here’s what you need to know:

SQL Injection: This is one of the most common attacks on Joomla sites. Cybercriminals inject malicious SQL code into your database to gain access to your site’s data. Scary, right? But it’s preventable. Using strong database credentials and limiting database permissions can make a huge difference.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Another biggie. XSS allows attackers to inject malicious scripts into your site’s content, which then gets executed in your visitors’ browsers. Again, proper security practices can keep this at bay.

Here’s a startling stat: 13.97% of compromised websites had at least one vulnerable component, such as an outdated plugin or theme. So, if you’re using extensions (and who isn’t?), make sure they’re from trusted sources and keep them updated.

For a deeper dive into common Joomla vulnerabilities, including Remote File Inclusion (RFI) and Privilege Escalation, you can explore Joomla’s official documentation.

The Power of Two-Factor Authentication: Your Security MVP

two factor authentication 1

Passwords alone aren’t enough. We all know that. According to a study by Microsoft, Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) can block up to 99.9% of automated attacks. Joomla supports 2FA right out of the box. If you’re not using it, now’s the time to start. It’s like putting a deadbolt on your website’s front door.

Joomla Security Improvements: The Community Has Your Back

Joomla’s security team is on it. They’re quick to identify vulnerabilities and even quicker to release patches. In 2024 alone, Joomla released several critical security updates, and they did it within days of vulnerabilities being reported. This rapid response drastically reduces the window of opportunity for cybercriminals

But it’s not just about the core software. The Joomla community is a powerful ally. They’re constantly developing and updating security extensions that can add extra layers of protection to your site. Extensions like Admin Tools and RSFirewall! have been downloaded millions of times, and for good reason—they work (Joomla Extensions Directory).

The Cost of a Breach: Why You Can’t Afford to Be Complacent

Here’s the cold, hard truth: getting compromised isn’t just an inconvenience—it’s expensive. The average cost of a data breach globally is $4.88 million according to the IBM Security Cost of a Data Breach Report 2024.

For Joomla website owners, especially those running e-commerce sites, a breach can mean substantial financial losses, not to mention the damage to your reputation.

cost of data breach 2024

And let’s not forget the time factor. The average time to detect and contain a breach is 287 days. That’s more than enough time for cybercriminals to wreak havoc.

Regular updates, security audits, and proactive monitoring can help you catch and fix issues before they spiral out of control.

The Bottom Line: How to Protect Your Joomla Site

If you want to keep your Joomla site safe, here’s your action plan:

  1. Keep everything updated: This includes the Joomla core, extensions, and themes.
  2. Use strong passwords and enable 2FA: It’s an easy way to block most attacks.
  3. Secure your database: Use strong credentials and change the default prefix.
  4. Install security extensions: Admin Tools and RSFirewall! are great places to start.
  5. Back up regularly: If the worst happens, you’ll need a backup to get your site back online quickly.
  6. Monitor and audit: Regularly check for suspicious activity and conduct security audits.

Remember, Joomla is a powerful CMS, but with great power comes great responsibility. Stay vigilant, stay updated, and you’ll keep the cybercriminals at bay.

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Abhilash Sahoo

Abhilash Sahoo, with 14 years of experience, is a Certified Joomla and WordPress Expert and the Founder & CEO of Infyways Solutions, specializing in innovative web development solutions.