Easy Steps to backup Joomla website
Written by Abhilash Sahoo•Updated on February 1, 2023•3 min read

The Akeeba Component is commonly used to backup Joomla website as it is user-friendly and free. The backup file can be downloaded directly from the backend or using FTP and restored just like a new Joomla installation. To configure and create a backup file using Akeeba, follow these steps:
Step 1: Download and Install Akeeba Backup Component
- To start, you will need to download the non-commercial version of the Akeeba Backup Component from the official Akeeba website. This component is a third-party extension for Joomla, so it is not included in the default Joomla installation.
- Once you have downloaded the component, you can install it using the Joomla installer. To do this, go to the Joomla backend and navigate to Extensions > Manage > Install. Then, click on the "Upload Package File" tab, select the downloaded Akeeba Backup Component package and click on the "Upload & Install" button.
Step 2: Configure Akeeba Backup Component
- After you have installed the Akeeba Backup Component, you need to configure it to create a backup file of your Joomla site.
- To do this, go to Components > Akeeba Backup in the Joomla backend and click on "Configuration."
- In the "Output Directory" and "Temporary Directory" fields, change the values to [SITETMP]. This tells Akeeba to store the backup file in the Joomla site's tmp folder, which is a secure location. Set the permissions of the tmp folder to 755 or 777.
- In the "Archiver Engine" field, select "ZIP" format. This will ensure that the backup file is created in ZIP format.
- After making these changes, click on the "Save" button.
Step 3: Create a Backup File
- With Akeeba Backup Component configured, you can now create a backup file of your Joomla site.
- To do this, go to Components > Akeeba Backup in the Joomla backend and click on "Backup Now."
- The backup process will start, and the time it takes to complete will depend on the size of your site and its SQL file. It's important not to interrupt or try to access files during the backup process.
Step 4: Download and Install the Backup File
- After the backup process is complete, go to "Administer Backup Files" in the Akeeba Backup Component. You should see the backup file listed there, along with the date and a link to download it.
- To install the backup file into your server or localhost, extract the ZIP file into your server and follow the Joomla installation setup process. This process is similar to setting up a new Joomla site.
- If you encounter any problems during the setup process, you can leave a comment or seek help from the Joomla community.